10 July 2008

Hancock - Review

I went to the cinema to watch Hancock yesterday. I will only give my personal opinion since most of you know the plot outline by now. It was a cool movie with a twist that i personally didn't like. I felt like the movie had nowhere to go so they went with that twist. It's a pretty good movie, but a bit over-hyped. Iwould give this movie 3.5/5


Blogger said...

I was looking forward to see it but after ur post I may buy it rather than going to cinema

KWT23 said...

well it depends on your tyoe of movies. I just felt that overall it was a bit overhyped.

Anonymous said...

agree, greatly overhyped!! wai3 it was such a marvel wannabe!

KWT23 said...

mims: yeah i know! btw: cool cyber name ;) "mims" :P